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Authentication Methods Dashboards

Basic Statistics

The first part of the dashboard contains the following charts, which can be used for filtering:

  • Authentication Method distribution is a pie chart which shows a overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each combination of authentication methods.

  • Application distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each application.

  • The User Agent Distribution chart is a pie chart which shows an overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each user agent.

  • The User Device OS Distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many sessions were created using each user agent device operating system.

  • A country map of the sessions based on the location of the authenticator device

  • The Authentication Device OS Distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many sessions were created using each authentication device operating system.

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Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 00.13.53.png

Authentication Sessions

This part of the dashboard contains the following charts related to the authentication session count:

  • Authentication sessions bar chart which provides an overview in time of the number of authentication sessions created, classified by their outcome

  • Authentication sessions overall distribution is a pie chart showing the overall count of each authentication session possible outcome

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 00.26.48.png


This part of the dashboard contains the following tables:

  • The “Top identities by number of sessions” aggregation table shows the authentication sessions grouped by Identity External Id and display name. For each identity, the number of sessions, the distinct authentication methods used, the last of those methods used and the outcome distribution of those sessions are computed. This table only shows the top 100 identities sorted by the number of sessions performed in the dashboard time range. The user can use this table to navigate to the Identity Details dashboard by using the “Identity External Id” column

  • The “Sessions” table provides a list of the sessions performed, sorted by timestamp.

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Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 00.38.30.png

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