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Basic Statistics

The first part of the dashboard contains the following charts:

  • “Active users” shows the number of unique user identities that started an authentication session in the time frame specified by the dashboard.

  • “Number of Sessions” shows the number of authentication sessions started in the time frame specified by the dashboard.

  • “Windows Sessions” shows the number of authentication sessions started in the time frame specified by the dashboard, and performed through the Veridium Credential Provider

  • “IDP sessions created” shows the number of IDP sessions started in the time frame specified by the dashboard

  • Authentication sessions bar chart provides an overview in time of the number of authentication sessions created, classified by their outcome

  • Sessions status count bar chart provides the number of authentication sessions for each possible status, over the entire period specified in the dashboard’s time frame

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Session Location Statistics

This part contains two charts:

  • A country map of the sessions based on the location of the authenticator device

  • A pie chart containing the country distribution of the authenticator device location for each session

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ILP context charts

This part contains two charts:

  • The Context Answer bar chart, showing the ILP context outcome for ILP enabled sessions

  • The Context presence distribution, which is a count bar chart showing how many sessions have an ILP context answer, and how many don’t

    Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 12.43.01.png

Account Block Actions

This part contains two charts:

  • The “Account Block actions” bar chart, showing block-related actions performed on accounts. These may be the Unblock action or the Block action (either automatically or manually by an admin)

  • The “Account Block actions Count” count bar chart, showing the overall count of the same block-related actions on accounts.

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