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CP - Setup


Based on your client architecture, use one of the following installation packages:



32-bit installer


64-bit installer


  1. Run chosen MSI. Local administrator permissions are required.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Accept the terms in the License Agreement and Click Next. Enter these URLs when prompted:

    1. BOPS URL is the network address for the VeridiumID root API: 

      1. For example: <https://<VeridiumID> Server>/websec/rest/enterprise/

    2. RA URL is the network address for the Registration Authority (RA) root API.

      1. For example: <https://<RA> server-FQDN>/rawebapp/api

    3. ENROLL URL is the network address for the Enrollment Proxy.

      1. For example: <https://<EP-server-FQDN>/BopsEnroll/BopsEnrol.svc/>

    4. FIDO ORIGIN is URL of the Identity Provider

      1. For example: <https://<EP-server-FQDN>/BopsEnroll/BopsEnrol.svc>

    5. Note: Bops URL, RA URL, ENROLL URL can be taken from Veridium RA/EP Configuration app: 1.5.3. General configuration

    6. Click Next.

  4. Click Install to install the software using the settings you entered.

  5. Click Finish to reboot your computer.

  6. Click Yes to restart your machine.

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