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Identity Provider configuration

Single sign-on tab


Basic Description

Default Value

Authentication Default Lifetime

A user's authentication results may be used for implicit SP authentication for as long as this parameter indicates. After this period, the user will be asked to authenticate again.
Example: PT30S translates to a 30 seconds lifetime


Authentication Default Timeout

If the last authentication result is not used in SAML responses within this time frame the user will be asked to authenticate again next time it reaches the IdP.
Example, PT5M translates to a 5 minutes timeout


Session Timeout

The idle time for the IdP session. The value must be at least as long as the Authentication Default Lifetime.
Example, PT24H translates to a 24 hours timeout


Enable Single Logout (SLO)

User Sessions as stored in Cassandra and the user can be logged out everywhere at once

Turned off

Default Service Provider lifetime*

Controls how long the IdP will store the Service Providers' sessions. In case of Single Logout, this value should be greater than the Service Providers' session lifetime.


Logo file

Custom logo displayed in Shibboleth page


Actions available on the page:

  1. Check IDP health - used to verify the health of the IDP

check health.png
  1. Validate Internal Mappings - used to verify the mapping between attributes


Authentication tab


Basic Description

Default Value

IdP Internal Service URL*


IdP External Service URL*


Self Service Portal Enrollment URL*


FIDO Origin*


Websec Service URL*


Auto Refresh Session

Performs automatically refresh of the opportunity session if the session expires

Turned off

Certificate Authentication External Service URL


Certificate Authentication Internal Service URL


Certificate Authentication Proxy Secret


Enable SPNEGO Authentication

Enable SPNEGO-based Kerberos authentication, complying with RFC 4559, 'SPNEGO-based Kerberos and NTLM HTTP Authentication'

Turned off

Kerberos KeyTab List

 No value

Actions available on the page:

  1. Check IDP health - used to verify the health of the IDP

  2. Validate Internal Mappings - used to verify the mapping between attributes


Subject derived attributes tab

This list contains the subject derived attributes that will be added to the identity returned by the IDP. The attributes found here are directly connected to the Veridium authentication flows.

The ones checked are available. While the ones unchecked are not retrived at the end of the authentication flow.

One can Edit, Delete an existing attribute or add a new attribute.

Actions available on the page:

  1. Check IDP health - used to verify the health of the IDP

  2. Validate Internal Mappings - used to verify the mapping between attributes

  3. Add subject derived attribute

subject derived.png

Custom attributes tab

Actions available on the page:

  1. Check IDP health - used to verify the health of the IDP

  2. Validate Internal Mappings - used to verify the mapping between attributes

  3. Add simple attribute

  4. Add script attribute

custom attr.png

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