Identity Details dashboard
The identity details dashboard is designed to show information about a specific identity. This is why it should be accessed only by navigating from the other dashboards using the “Identity External Id” column in aggregation tables.
Basic Statistics
The first part of this dashboard contains the following charts:
The Identity Display Name
The Identity UPN
The Identity email
The total session count performed by the identity
Authentication Method distribution is a pie chart which shows a overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each combination of authentication methods.
Application distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each application.
The User Agent Distribution chart is a pie chart which shows an overview of how many authentication sessions were created using each user agent.
The User Device OS Distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many sessions were created using each user agent device operating system.
A country map of the sessions based on the location of the authenticator device
The Authentication Device OS Distribution is a pie chart which provides an overview of how many sessions were created using each authentication device operating system.

Authentication Sessions
This part of the dashboard contains the following charts related to the authentication session count:
Authentication sessions bar chart which provides an overview in time of the number of authentication sessions created, classified by their outcome
Authentication sessions overall distribution is a pie chart showing the overall count of each authentication session possible outcome

ILP charts
This part contains the following charts:
The ILP bar chart shows the ILP answer distribution for the ILP enabled sessions
The ILP answer distribution is a pie chart showing the overall ILP answer distribution
The context bar chart shows the context answer distribution in time
The context rejection distribution is a pie chart taking into account only sessions with ILP context rejected and showing the reasons for this rejection
The motion bar chart shows the motion answer distribution in time
The context criteria met distribution is a pie chart taking into account only sessions with ILP context accepted and showing the criterias met

In this part, the dashboard contains a table with all the sessions performed by the identity sorted by timestamp.