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FreeRadius service configuration

The purpose of this article is to provide the configuration steps for freeradius service.

This article assumes that the freeradius rpm package has already been installed on the machine we are about to make changes to.


After a fresh installation, there are 2 steps to be done for configuring FreeRadius:

1) You need to define the Radius clients from which Radius server should accept requests from.

A Radius client is usually a Network Access Server (NAS) or an Access Point.

It’s an operation which requires to edit a certain file on the disk and requires the restart of FreeRadius service.

This must be done on each server where FreeRadius is deployed.

2) You need to specify the authentication methods allowed for each Radius Client

This is performed from the Veridium Manager dashboard and it doesn't require restart of FreeRadius service.

Location of freeradius - related files

  • The systemd unit service that defines the freeradius service can be found at /etc/systemd/system/ver_freeradius.service

  • Freeradius instalation location is /opt/veridiumid/freeradius
    Here we can find the source files, the binaries and the clients.conf file which will discuss a little bit later in the article.

  • Log file can be found at /var/log/veridiumid/freeradius/freeradius.log


1) Define Radius Clients

Check /opt/veridiumid/freeradius/etc/raddb/clients.conf file.
This file contains definitions of Radius clients.

By default, the file contains one client that accepts authentication requests from any ip address
client localnet {
ipaddr =
secret = testing123
require_message_authenticator = no
nas_type = other

The minimal required informations for defining a client are ipaddr and secret.
ipaddr represents the ip address of the client.
secret represents the RADIUS shared secret used for communication between the client/NAS and the RADIUS server.

Here you can define as many clients as you want for different ip addresses/ip classes.

A full list of configurable options for a RADIUS client can be found here:

(warning) After you make changes to clients.conf file, make sure to restart ver_freeradius service with
systemctl restart ver_freeradius

2) Specify the authentication methods allowed for each Radius Client

Inside Veridium Manager, go to Settings / Radius Clients section.

For each client defined into clients.conf file, you must specify here what what are the authentication methods allowed for that respective client.

(warning) If you don’t specify (omit) a certain client, server will consider that client as not having any authentication method present.

FreeRadius server will know to automatically retrieve the new configuration, so it's not necessary to restart ver_freeradius service when you make changes here.

Radius Authentication method - Orchestration Matrix

The authentication type selection is based on the lenght of the password which is provided during the authentication or a specific keyword for SMS ( ie : SMS )

Lenght of the password

Authentication Method

Input expected


0 Characters



Authentication refused

12 Characters

PIN + Mobile TOTP Code

PIN ( 4 ) + TOTP Code ( 8 )

Correct value : Authentication validated

Inorrect value : Authentication refused

Between 1 and 11 included

Above 12

Mobile Push notification

any character

A push is sent to device and trigger

3 Characters



This specific password will trigger the OTP authentication method. More information on SMS configuration method here Deploy Radius Server locally - Chapter 9.b

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