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Commands describe the configuration of VeridiumID authentication methods used as challenges during a journey execution.

Commands are predefined and are linked to authenticators used by the server. Usually these are not meant to be changed. Exceptions are described below:

change the authenticator retry count

Edit the desired command and change the maxRetries parameter. e.g.

"executor": "FRIEND",
"authenticate": {
"maxRetries": 5,
  "methods": [
      "type": "PIN",

usage of pins during OTP authentications

Add the configuration (if not already present) node inside the definition of cmd_otp (or create a new command to describe this behaviour), where usePin is set to false. By default the value is true.

"executor": "FRIEND",
"authenticate": {
"maxRetries": 3,
  "methods": [
      "type": "OTP",
      "configuration": {
        "usePin": false   

This configuration dictates if PIN entry is required during OTP authentications at runtime.

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