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VoiceGate integration

VoiceGate is an API that can be used for various tasks related to user authentication. Veridium officially supports the calls documented below.

Perform a user unlock

User scenario - Attempted to authenticate using biometric 3 times and their account has been blocked

VoiceGate action - Rest API call to unblock-by-external action. Voice Gate must provide the externalId - identifier of the user, which can be any LDAP search.

GET https://HOST/websecadmin/rest/accounts/unblock-by-external?externalId=[EMAIL_ADDRESS]&applicationKey=AD

PIN reset

User scenario - Forgotten PIN,

VoiceGate action - Once authenticated user selects the appropriate action, VoiceGate generates a numeric 8 digit PIN and then submits this as an Admin API call to Veridium along with the users externalID (email address). Once Veridium confirms this action Veridium sets a flag that the PIN must be changed during the users next authentication attempt when the temporary PIN is used.

VoiceGate must provide the externalId - identifier of the user, which can be any LDAP search field defined in Veridium.

GET https://HOST/websecadmin/rest/accounts/temporary-pin?externalId=[EMAIL_ADDRESS]&applicationKey=AD&pinValue=[PIN_VALUE]

PIN length should be the same as one set in admin (otherwise and error will be returned)

Enrolment OTP

User scenario - First day with company, user is enrolled in Voicegate but has no access to their desktop and therefore their email so is unable to receive their OTP via email to complete Veridium enrolment. User starts the Veridium enrolment process by scanning the QR and enters their email address, user then calls VoiceGate to retrieve the OTP

VoiceGate action - Once authenticated user selects the appropriate action, VoiceGate generates a numeric 6 digit number and then submits this as Admin API to Veridium along with the users externalID (email address) overwriting the Veridium generated enrolment OTP.

VoiceGate must provide the externalId - identifier of the user, which can be any LDAP search field defined in Veridium server config.

GET https://HOST/websecadmin/rest/accounts/validation-code?externalId=[EMAIL_ADDRESS]&applicationKey=AD&validationCode=[VALDIATION_CODE]

For applicationKey, the “AD” value should be directly used every time for all calls.

Note that there are undocumented calls that are not fully supported in this product area. Using them is not recommended as they are not part of the recommended Veridium experience.

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