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Update from version 2.7.0 -> 2.7.2

Before you START THE UPGRADE please check if you get SCORE (CONTEXT and MOTION). In order to do this please do a few SSP LOGIN.

Please be advised that for the Webapp servers, you will need approximately 50GB of free disk space to perform the upgrade.

You need to have ssh access on all ILP Webapp Servers / VeridiumID Persistence Servers from the server where “variables.yaml“ is located (check Step 3)

On all ILP Webapp Servers / VeridiumID Persistence Servers you need to have an username with “sudo” privileges.


The update is required to be run on one of the persistence machines and on each webapps machines.

  1. Open a terminal for one of the persistence Persistence Servers and connect via SSH to the Persistence Servers.

# Please replace <nexusUser> / <nexusPassword> with your nexus credentials
# Download "" on one persistence server
wget --user <nexusUser> --password <nexusPassword>


  1. Open a terminat for each ILP Webapp Servers and connect via SSH to the ILP Webapp Servers.

# Please replace <nexusUser> / <nexusPassword> with your nexus credentials
# Download "" on each ILP Webapp server
wget --user <nexusUser> --password <nexusPassword>


  1. In order to start the upgrade we need “variables.yaml” file, file was used when ILP has been installed (old path: uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml).

# If you don't know where the file is please use the below command on the server where UBA was installed (if you don't remember which server, run the command to all UBA servers):
sudo find / -type f -name "variables.yaml"

The output will be something like: /home/<username>/uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml

Below you will find “/home/<username>/uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml“ please replace it with your file path.

Copy the file “/home/<username>/uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml” to ILP folder:

# Please replace "/home/<username>/uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml" with your variables.yaml file path
sudo cp /home/<username>/uba-onprem-installer/variables.yaml /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
sudo chown veridiumid:veridiumid /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
  1. After you complete STEP 3, please copy /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml file on each ILP Webapp Server / Veridium Persistence

Please replace <USERNAME> and <SERVER_IP> with your username/server ip.
scp /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP>:.
sudo cp variables.yaml /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
sudo chown veridiumid:veridiumid /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml


  1. From a ILP Webapp Server we need to copy “/etc/default/veridiumid/uba_variables" on one Veridium Persistence, where we are gonna do the install.

scp /etc/default/veridiumid/uba_variables <USERNAME>@<SERVER_VERIDIUM_PERSISTENCE_IP>:.
sudo cp uba_variables /etc/default/veridiumid/uba_variables
sudo chown root:root /etc/default/veridiumid/uba_variables
  1. From a ILP Persistence Server we need to two files “/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem" and “/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem“ to each ILP Webapp Server.

# Go to the persistence machine with ssh
scp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP1>:.
scp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP2>:.
scp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP1>:.
scp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem <USERNAME>@<SERVER_IP2>:.
  1. Start the UPDATE on one of the Veridium Persistence Servers

Copy ““ on one Veridium Persistence Servers

# Go where you have the archive and folder update-persistence. Let's presume your archive and extracted files/folder are in ~/
# !!!! Copy your variables.yaml modified file to update-persistence folder.
sudo cp /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml ~/update-persistence/variables.yaml
cd ~/update-persistence
# IF IS THE FIRST PERSISTENCE SERVER UPDATE YOU NEED TO RUN the following command to start the update:
# Check the services:
sudo /bin/bash /opt/veridiumid/uba/scripts/
sudo cp variables.yaml /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
sudo chown veridiumid:veridiumid /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
# This step must be ran only on one persistence server
  1. Start the UPDATE on ILP WEBAPP Servers

Copy ““ on each ILP WEBAPP Servers

# !!!! Copy your variables.yaml to update-uba-webapp folder and the two files we took from the persistence machines
sudo cp /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml ~/update-uba-webapp/variables.yaml
sudo cp ~/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem ~/update-uba-webapp/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem
sudo cp ~/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem ~/update-uba-webapp/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem
# Start the update
cd update-uba-webapp
# Check the services:
sudo /bin/bash /opt/veridiumid/uba/scripts/
sudo cp variables.yaml /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
sudo chown veridiumid:veridiumid /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml
# add opentelemetry-collector$DOMAIN_SEPARATOR$DOMAIN_NAME (like in /etc/hosts 
# with the IP of the machine
Do a SSP Login in your WebAPP

Go to the next ILP WEBAPP Server and do the same steps.

  1. Start the ILP-CANNARY service (on one of the ILP-webapp-servers)-OPTIONAL

Choose one ILP WEBAPP SERVER and start manually the “uba-cannary” service:

sudo systemctl start uba-cannary

check the logs from:


based on variable “CANARY_RUN_PERIOD“ set from “/etc/default/veridiumid/uba_variables”, if the value is 60 will be: 60 seconds x 11 authentication = 11 minutes.

and we will see SCORE:

INFO  com.veridiumid.uba.v2.cannary.MotionContextClientService:350 - Context result answer: ACCEPT confidence HIGH score 0.25694302675560166
INFO  com.veridiumid.uba.v2.cannary.MotionContextClientService:291 - UBA score: 0.7028731166294203 for stage ID 4f374442-9e8d-4687-94fb-c8918a24c2a5
  1. Update the configuration on veridiumid-server WEBAPP servers:

On the webapp machines of veridiumid-server (on each machine), we need to add the following lines in /opt/veridiumid/tomcat/bin/ file:

### go in setenv in tomcat and add the following

After that, you need to restart tomcat on both machine:

sudo service ver_tomcat restart
# wait for the servers to restart succesfully
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.