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QR Offline authentication doesn't work




Root Cause

Check if the ExternalID key in Registry Editor is present.


  1. Start MMC.exe as administator

  2. Click on “File“ and then “Add/Remove Snap-in..“

  3. In the section Available snap-ins choose Certificates and click “Add”

  4. Select Computer account and click “Next“

  5. Click “Finish“

  6. Click “OK“

  7. Double-click on Certificates.

  8. Double-click on Personal.

  9. Double-click on Certificates.

  10. Delete all certificates issued by VeridiumID CA.

  11. Start Services.

  12. Restart BopsLogonService.

Resolution Verification

  1. Start Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to:


  3. Find a key called “ExternalID“ and there needs to be some value.

  4. To ultimate test please try QR offline again.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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