Kiosk mode allows users to register on front office mobile device and then authenticate everywhere. The mobile device is referred as “shared device”.
Kiosk mode requires server side biometry matching, since after enrollment, users can authenticate in any other office using registered devices.
Enabling Kiosk Mode for iOS
In order to benefit from the kiosk mode functionalities, the container app should add the VeridiumKioskOrchestrator.xcframework
and VeridiumCore.xcframework
to its dependencies.
In addition to VeridiumKioskOrchestrator.xcframework
and VeridiumCore.xcframework
, the container app should also include dependencies for the biometric libraries it would like to use. For example, if 4F biometric library is used, the following dependencies should be added:
The VeridiumKioskOrchestrator.xcframework
targets the iOS version 11 and above, since it relies on some Secure Enclave functionalities that are stabilized with iOS 11.
SDK Initialization
The kiosk mode functionalities are provided by the VIDKioskSDK
class. In order to use the functionalities, the container app should create a VIDKioskSDK
instance and initialize it with appropriate configuration. The following steps show how it is done:
Create a VIDEnvironment instance:
let environment: VIDEnvironment = VIDEnvironment(baseURL: "<base URL>",
name: "<environment name>",
externalId: "<external id in UUID format>",
memberExternalId: "<external id of the integration>")
Create a
instance using the environment object:
let kioskSDK: VIDKioskSDK = VIDKioskSDK.getInstance(environment: environment)
Configure VIDKioskSDK instance with a VIDKioskSDKConfiguration instance with proxy device registration protocol implementation (see Device registration for details) and biometric methods to be used for enrollment:
let config = VIDKioskSDKConfiguration(deviceDataSource: <VIDDeviceRegisterDataSourceProtocol implementation>,
bioLibConfigurations: <Array of VIDBioLibConfiguration implementations>)
kioskSDK.initialize(with: config)
The VIDBioLibConfiguration
implementations are used for providing registration and configuration of biometric libraries. The VIDKioskSDKConfiguration
should be initialized with at least one VIDBioLibConfiguration
implementation, otherwise the SDK initialization result with an error.
An example VIDBioLibConguration
implementation for the 4F library is as follows:
class FourFBiolibConfiguration: VIDBioLibConfiguration {
var biometricLibraryType: VIDBiometricLibrary {
func setupBiometricLibrary(with license: String, using veridiumSDK: VeridiumSDK) -> VeridiumLicenseStatus {
return veridiumSDK.setupLib4F(withLicense: license)
func registerBiometricEnrollerAndAuthenticator(using veridiumSDK: VeridiumSDK) {
func configureBiometricLibrary(using veridiumSDK: VeridiumSDK) {
let authenticatorConfig = VeridiumFourFCaptureConfig.init(forAuthWithHand: .forceRightHandEnroll, andLiveness: true)
authenticatorConfig.do_debug = false
authenticatorConfig.configureTimeoutEnabled(true, withTimeoutCanRestart: true, andTimoutSeconds: 30, andAllowedRetries: .infinite)
let enrollerConfig = VeridiumFourFCaptureConfig.init(forEnrollWithHand: .forceRightHandEnroll, andLiveness: true)
enrollerConfig.do_debug = false
enrollerConfig.configureTimeoutEnabled(true, withTimeoutCanRestart: true, andTimoutSeconds: 30, andAllowedRetries: .infinite)
After the initialize
call, the VIDKioskSDK
instance becomes ready for device registration, user enrollment and authentication.
instance can be kept as a member field in AppDelegate
of the container app, in order to use its public methods throughout different view controllers.
Device Registration
To perform device registration, the registerDevice API method of the VIDKioskSDK instance should be called as follows:
kioskSDK.registerDevice { result, error in
if let error = error {
// Handle error
// Perform actions after a successful registration
To establish device registration through proxy API call, the container app should also implement VIDDeviceRegisterDataSourceProtocol
and provide it through the VIDKioskSDK's initialize
The protocol is defined as follows:
@objc public protocol VIDDeviceRegisterDataSourceProtocol {
/// `RegisterDeviceCallback` is the type used for providing result of device registration.
/// - registrationResult: Dictionary containing parameters after a successful registration. Can be `nil` if registration fails.
/// - registrationError: Error returned if device registration fails. `nil` for successful registration
typealias RegisterDeviceCallback = (_ registrationResult: NSDictionary?, _ registrationError: Error?) -> ()
/// Sends request for device registration
/// - payload: Dictionary containing required parameters for device registration request
/// - callback: Provides device registration result
func registerDevice(payload: NSDictionary?, callback: @escaping RegisterDeviceCallback)
The registerDevice
protocol method implementation should perform the API call with the payload dictionary provided by the SDK (request parameters from the container app can be merged with the payload).
The API call result should be provided by calling RegisterDeviceCallback
. If the call is resulted with success, the callback should be called with a dictionary containing response parameters. Otherwise, the callback should be called with the error.
The diagram below shows the device registration flow between the VIDKioskSDK
and the container app:

User Enrolment
provides registerAccount public API method to perform enrolment of the users. The method requires VIDRegisterAccountOptions
instance as a parameter, in order to provide configuration for the enrollment.
One of the configuration parameters VIDRegisterAccountOptions
requires is the loginData
. The loginData
represents credentials of the user in external system. It can be provided either as a plain json string including user credentials, or a JWT (json web token). The example below shows how the login data parameter is initialized for either format:
let loginDataAsPlainJson = VIDRegisterAccountLoginData(type: .plainJson, content: "<Credentials data as a Json String>")
let loginDataAsJWT = VIDRegisterAccountLoginData(type: .jwt, content: "<JWT string in standard format>")
Calling the registerAccount
method initiates a direct (non-proxy) communication with the VeridiumId server. The result of the enrollment is provided to the container app through an asynchronous closure as method parameter. The code snippet below shows how the registerAccount method is used:
let loginData = VIDRegisterAccountLoginData(type: .plainJson, content: "<Credentials data>")
let registrationOptions = VIDRegisterAccountOptions(loginData: loginData,
memberExternalId: "<Integration external identifier>",
registrationMode: "<Registration mode>")
kioskSDK.registerAccount(options: registrationOptions) { registrationResult, registrationError in
if let error = registrationError {
// Handle error
switch registrationResult.state {
case .ENROLED:
// Perform actions after successful enrolment
case .FAILED:
// Perform actions after failed enrolment
// Perform actions after canceled enrolment
// There is an internet connectivity problem.
// Biometric enrolment data are stored on device to be sent later.
// Use registrationResult.storedBiometricEnrolmentDataId in order to
// call registerAccount again with stored enrolment data.
User enrollment in offline mode
If the device is not connected to internet during registerAccount call, the VIDKioskSDK stores the biometric enrollment data to be sent again later in online mode.
The data from each call is first encrypted through Secure Enclave, and stored as separate files in the container app’s sandbox file system. The registerAccount result callback provides a storage id (registrationResult.storedBiometricEnrolmentDataId in the example above).
The container app can use the storage id later in online mode to finalize the enrollment with stored enrollment data, as follows:
let registrationOptions = VIDRegisterAccountOptions(loginData: "<Credentials data>",
memberExternalId: "<Integration external identifier>",
registrationMode: "<Registration mode>", biometricCaptureId: "<the storage id>")
// here, kioskSDK.registerAcount method can be called with VIDRegisterAccountOptions
// as in the previous example
In order to be used in offline mode, the registerAccount method should at least be called once in online mode, in order to get mandatory biometric enrolment methods from the VeridiumId server.
also provides the removeBiometricEnrolmentData
api method to remove stored enrollment data with storage id if account registration is no longer desired. The api method can be called as follows:
kioskSDK.removeBiometricEnrolmentData(biometricCaptureId: storageId, callback: { (isSuccesful, error) in
if let error = error {
// Handle error
if (isSuccesful) {
// Perform actions after successful removal
User Authentication
provides authenticate public API method to perform authentication of users. The method requires VIDAuthenticationOptions
instance as parameter, which includes necessary info for the authentication, like profile external id, member external id, extra values (if available).
Calling the authenticate
method initiates a direct (non-proxy) communication with the VeridiumId server. The result of the authentication is provided to the container app through an asynchronous closure as method parameter. The code snippet below shows how the authenticate
method is being called:
let authenticationOptions = VIDAuthenticationOptions(profileExternalId: "<profile id>", memberExternalId: "<member external id>")
kioskSDK.authenticate(options: authenticationOptions) { authenticationResult, authenticationError in
if let error = authenticationError {
// Handle error
switch authenticationResult.state {
// Perform actions after a successful authentication
case .FAILED:
// Perform actions after a failed authentication
// Perform actions after a canceled authentication
Device Unregistration
provides removeDevice
public API method in order to unregister device. The method can be called as follows:
kioskSDK.removeDevice(callback: { [weak self] (isRemoved, error) in
if let error = error {
// Handle error
if (isRemoved) {
// Perform actions after a successful removal