Enrollment steps
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Basic configuration values:
Name | Basic Description | Default Value |
Input Status | Input status(es) for state machine | . |
Output Status | Output status(es) for state machine | Active |
Identifier | Identifier that connects to the backend logic | ADEnrollmentStep |
Title | Step Title | AD Enrollment |
Description | Step Description | Configure identities to work for LDAP [Main step] |
Configuration parameters for generic functionalities:
Name | Basic Description | Default Value |
Allowed Groups | User groups allowed for enrollment, Leave empty to allow all | n/a |
Allow users with no groups | Allow enrollment for users with no group membership | OFF |
User enrollment via invitation code | Restrict users to enroll only using invitation codes | ON |
Allow user enrollment with PIN validation | Allows enrollment with PIN validation for existing users as an alternative to invitation code | ON |
Mobile GUI:
Name | Basic Description | Default Value |
Page Description | Page Description | Please enter your directory service credentials. |
Enrollment Step Action Name | Enrollment Step Action Name | NEXT |
Enrollment Step Type | Defines the type of enrolment step, i.e. “Form” defines a screen where user input is expected | Form |
Enrollment Step Title | Enrollment Step Title | Form registration |
Enrollment Step Version | Enrollment Step Version | 1.0 |
Enrollment Step Parameters | Defines name & type of input on that step, i.e. a field named “Username” which accepts a string value such as “x@x.com” | |
Restart Enrollment Step Action Name | Allow defining the name for the enrolment restart step. |
Name | Basic Description | Default Value |
Enrollment Metadata Options | Custom Disclaimer text shown to users upon enrollment. | Welcome to VeridiumID! A custom disclaimer can be added here... |
iOS | iOS minimum version accepted for devices attempting enrollments | |
Android | Android minimum version accepted for devices attempting enrollments |