Decommission one DC from CDCR
stop services in the DC that is going to be removed on all nodes, one by one, first on webapp and later on persistence (DC1)
on remaining DC (DC2) Elasticsearch - remove old nodes
## on a persistence node run the following
eops -l
## set number of replicas to one
eops -x=PUT -p=/veridium.*/_settings -d='{"index":{"number_of_replicas":1}}'
## on all nodes do:
vi /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
## remove the olde nodes from discovery.seed_hosts
## comment cluste.initial_master_nodes
## comment
restart elasticsearch on all nodes - one after the other!!
systemctl restart ver_elasticsearch.service
# --> should be green
##run eops -l to verify the replica status
on remaining DC (DC2) Cassandra - remove old nodes
## get the HOST ID that needs to be removed:
nodetool status
nodetool removenode HOSTID
## in the end, it should remain in the cluster only the nodes from current datacenter
##modify cassandra.yaml
vi /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
## seeds -> set only 2 nodes from current datacenter
## update topology
/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --ssl --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc
ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class' :'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_traces WITH REPLICATION = {'class' :'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH REPLICATION = {'class' :'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE veridium WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy','dc2': 3};
##restart cassandra on all ndoes - one after the other
systemctl restart ver_cassandra.service
nodetool status
nodetool describecluster
##Run full repair on new persistence node 1
/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/nodetool repair --full