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Lucene indices removal

We've upgraded our Cassandra and Java versions, switching from Lucene-based indices to SASI indices for better performance and scalability. Although SASI offers significant improvements, it currently doesn't support sorting, which affects some user interface features.

Here's how we've addressed the impact:

  • Identity Deprovisioning and Dormant Devices: These features now use Elasticsearch to preserve full functionality, including sorting. Use the esIdentityDeprovisionMigration and esDormantDeviceMigration commands to migrate existing data.

  • Device Model, Emergency Notification, Enrollment Code, Enrollment Invitation, Enrollment Invitation Entry, Groups, Roles, and Brute Force: We've replaced the Lucene indices with a simple_search_tokens column, using SASI's search capabilities. While search remains functional, sorting within these features will be unavailable in the UI.

  • Integration Table, Account, Action Log, Device, and Identity: Removing the Lucene indices for these features has not impacted UI functionality.

It's important to note that while this change improves performance and scalability, the lack of sorting in SASI is a current limitation. We are actively working to enhance SASI and address this in future releases.

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