Update to version 2.7.4
This procedure is applicable only if you have already installed version >= 2.7.2.
Before you START THE UPGRADE please check if you get SCORE (CONTEXT and MOTION). In order to do this please do a few SSP LOGIN.
Please be advised that for the Webapp servers, you will need approximately 50GB of free disk space to perform the upgrade.
The “variables.yaml“ must be in /opt/veridiumid/uba location. You need to have the file in this location before run the script.
On all UBA Webapp Servers / VeridiumID Persistence Servers you need to have an username with “sudo” privileges.
Before you start the update, please check if the file /opt/veridiumid/uba/variables.yaml exists on each server (Webapp UBA).
Open a terminal for each node (Webapp UBA and VeridiumId Persistence) :
# Please replace <nexusUser> / <nexusPassword> with your nexus credentials
# Download "uba-onprem-installer.zip" on each node
wget --user <nexusUser> --password <nexusPassword> https://veridium-repo.veridium-dev.com/repository/UBAInstallerOnPrem/2.7.4/uba-onprem-installer.zip
unzip uba-onprem-installer.zip
On UBA Webapp nodes (one server at time) - run the following command from
cd uba-onprem-installer/update-procedure
sudo /usr/local/bin/python3.8 update.py --version 2.7.4 --proxy <proxy>
On VeridiumId Persistence nodes - run the following command from
sudo python3 update.py --version 2.7.4 --proxy <proxy>
After you run the update on each VeridiumId Persistence node, you should run the ‘restart-kafka’ script (located in
sudo bash restart-kafka.sh
If jaeger is not running, please run on one VeridiumId Persistence node the following commands:
CURRENT_USER=$(grep -o 'SSH_USER:.*' variables.yaml | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}')
SSH_KEY_FILE=$(grep -o 'SSH_KEY_FILE_PATH:.*' variables.yaml | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}')
cd uba-onprem-installer
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${SSH_KEY_FILE} "${CURRENT_USER}@<persistence_ip>" "sudo /bin/bash setup-jaeger.sh"