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SAML Configuration


Basic Description

Default Value

Advanced Description

Entity ID

Service Provider ID

Internal URL where user is redirected for SAML authentication

Entity Base URL

Service Provider URL

Internal URL, where Self Service Portal is deployed.

Veridium Entity ID

Internal veridium ID


don't change

Integration ID

Internal ID mode used with this SP


don't change

IdP Metadata File

IDP metadata file that will be used by SSP to trust the idp

IdP metadata file for SSP.

Scheme Used

Protocol used for this SP


Options are https or http:

  • https - data in transit are protected by encryption. Requites SSL/TLS server certificate.

  • http - data in transit are not protected by encryption.

Server Name

SP Server name

Server URL, where is Self Service Portal hosted.

Session Timeout

Session timeout in seconds


Timeout is a time period, till when client is waiting for a server response. Once time is passed, error message "operation timeout" is shown.

Authentication Requests Signed

SSP signs authentication requests sent to the IdP.


for better security keep switched on

Assertion Signed

SSP requires that IdP signs the assertion.


for better security keep switched on

Logout all other sessions

Will logout all session with this user.


Enable force authentication

Specify that user authentication should be forced during SSO requests to the IDP, regardless of any existing sessions or tokens


SAML request binding

Bindings that define how the SAML messages are transported over HTTP


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