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OIDC auth

n this settings section we will find all important configurations that allow OIDC Admin manager application to properly communicate with Shibboleth provider.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 13.52.37.png

The action panel from the right is having an upgrade regarding the settings:

  1. Configure OIDC Veridium IDP β†’ will create a new service provider application for Admin manager with the settings that are provided in the OIDC Auth tab. This application will have the type OIDC

  2. Download OIDC Metadata β†’ will download the well-known json from the provider.

  3. Copy OIDC Metadata URL β†’ it’s a handy action that will allow to get the URL for the well-known json content.

Because SAML and OIDC can not be enabled both at once, we enhance an UI mechanism to prevent enabling both on the same time. For example if we have OIDC feature enabled, then on SAML tab we will face this warning with no enable SAML toggle present.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 14.38.54.png

The same scenario is active when we have SAML active and go to OIDC tab.

More information regarding OIDC authentication can be found here

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