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OIDC Application

OIDC Application type is application supporting OIDC as alternative authentication option. OIDC application is defined by following attributes:

oidc app.png
  • Client ID - is used to identify the client (application) making authentication and authorization requests to the OIDC provider.

  • Client Friendly Name - Service provider friendly display name.

  • Client secret - confidential key or password used by the client application to authenticate itself when communicating with the OIDC provider

  • Response types - defines the type of credential that the client expects to receive from the authorization server (or OpenID provider) after a user successfully authenticates

  • Grant types - define the methods through which a client application obtains an access token, ID token, or refresh token

  • Scopes - define the level of access that a client application is requesting from a resource owner (user) or the authorization server.

  • Token endpoint authentication methods - define how the client authenticates itself to the authorization server when exchanging an authorization code or obtaining a token

  • Subject type - This specifies how the user identity (subject) is represented in ID tokens:

    1. public: The same sub (subject) value is used across all clients for a user.

    2. pairwise: A unique sub value is generated per client for the same user, enhancing privacy.

  • Redirect URIs - the URL where the authorization server sends the user after granting or denying authorization. It must be pre-registered by the client application to ensure security.




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