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Notifications are typically email/SMS notifications send in case of different actions. Following steps shows how to modify default templates texts.

  1. In Veridium Manager, click Settings on top navigation.

  2. Click Notification on the left-side container.

  3. Click on Template.

  4. Set Settings, set Mail Subject and set Email Body. Click Validate Body and Save.

Using the “(Re)Initialize Notification Templates” will revert all custom modifications done for the templates.

  1. Email templates advanced formatting
    For complex template a user can use HTML, as well as directives (IF, IF ELSE and so on):


    For basic operation please take a look here:
    Below is a sample HTML block that displays regular formatting samples inside an email template - such as font control,, paragraph markup and image insertions.

      <title>Test Template Demo</title>
      <h1>Test page</h1>
      <p>Test paragraph...
      <img src="" alt="Pt IonutD">
    Copyright (c) 2025 <a href="">Veridium</a>,
    All Rights Reserved.

    For example, integrating this block in the LOST_MODE_EMAIL template will make it look like this:


Do not forget to Validate Body and Save.

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