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Mobile Client Settings


Default Value

Advanced Description

Enable Debug By Default


Enables debug hidden menu in mobile apps for easier troubleshooting.

Is Hardware Encryption Required


When turned on, hardware security module on mobile must be used.

Is UBA Enabled


User Behavior Analysis on mobile will be switched on/off

Help URL

Help URL used in mobile application.

Is Key Biometric Protection Enable


This offers an extra layer of protection by resetting the mobile app if changes are detected in the local biometries (i.e. a fingerprint is added or removed)

Is Root Protection Enabled
Note: this parameter is deprecated starting with 3.4 mobile app version and it will remain as “ON” by default.


This offers an extra layer of protection by rejecting mobile devices that have been tampered with at enrolment.

Show Reset Pin Option


This parameter controls the “Reset PIN” link display as an option in the mobile apps, in the Edit Profile screen.

Display Session Context Map


Allows toggling the location map in the mobile apps push notifications.

JavaScript errors detected

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