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Email Messaging

Usage of Veridium Truststore is possible for SMTP email communication. This is useful for production scenarios where the on-prem certificate is not signed by a public CA. The new option is available in Veridium Manager / Settings / Messaging / Email - “Use Veridium Truststore” toggle.

Veridium truststore.png


Default Value

Advanced Description

Smtp SSL Enabled

Turned on

SSL communication encryption enabled/disabled.

Smtp Host

SMTP host name

Smtp Auth User


username for SMTP authentication

Smtp Port


port to reach SMTP server

Smtp Auth Pwd


password for SMTP authentication

Use Mock Mail Service

Turned off

Mock service means simulate sending messages without sending anything.

Use Veridium Truststore

Turned off

Mail From


Display name for sending message

Mail From Address

Sender email address

Date Threshold In Mins Unsent Emails


Date Threshold In Mins Old Emails Cleanup


Failed Emails Job Scheduler Time In Mins


Clean Up Old Job Scheduler Emails In Mins

Email Digital Signature

Enable Digital Signature

Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Password

Email Proxy

Proxy Host

Proxy Port

Proxy User

Proxy Password

Proxy Enabled

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