Device limitation per identity
By limiting the number of devices a user can enrol, the system can reduce it’s exposure to unauthorised acces and authenticator sharing among users. This can be achieved through Settings / General / Device Limitation Per Profile section.

maxDevicesPerProfileKey → this limitation is for all authenticators of a profile
maxMobilePhonesPerProfileKey → this limitation is for mobile phones
maxFidoKeyPerProfileKey → this limitation is for fido keys
maxOtpDevice → this limitation include all otp generators like hardware devices (yubico otp, yubico oath and software devices (google authenticator, microsoft authenticator)
There is also a limitation for SMS but was redundant to specify in the config, because there is just 1 SMS per profile rule in the application. If you have a SMS enrolled and you want to enrol another sms, the old one will be overwritten