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Security & keys


Basic Description

Default Value

Enable HSM

Enable Hardware Security Module for signing saml assertion. see HSM Integration

Switched off

Enable PFX

Use PKCS12 certificate with password for signing saml assertion

Switched off

Signing CRT

Public key of the signing certificate

Signing Key

Private key of the signing certificate

Actions available on this page:

  • Live reload - when enabled, the Shiboleth services will be restarted if any change in the configuration will occur

  • Check IDP health - used to verify the health of the IDP

  • Download IDP Metadata - used to download the Veridium SAML Metadata into a file

  • Copy IDP Metadata URL - used to copy to clipboard the Veridium SAML Metadata url

  • Copy IDP URL for Netscaler - used to copy to clipboard the Veridium SAML Metadata Netscaler URL

  • Download IDP Signing Certificate - used to download the IDP Signing Certificate

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