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Mobile Application

This version of mobile apps is released to include support for the new server features and also to fix bugs reported from production cases. Please note that mobile apps maintain backwards compatibility and can be used with no issues on existing server versions, on all flows, with no configuration changes.

Android build 3.6.0(8) main highlights:

New features:

  • Added support for granular control over Operating System and Application versions required for VeridiumID operation

  • Added support for dormant device deprovisioning feature

  • Added support for server side control for location accuracy. New parameters can be found in Admin - Geolocation section, or alternatively in the location.json file. They supersede the same parameters set in mobile app’s debug menu.


        "enhanceLocationAccuracy": false,
        "locationMinAccuracy": 10,
        "locationMaxWaitTime": 15

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Improved the certificate renewal mechanism to recover in more production use cases (for example if a mobile device is used exclusively as a TOTP authenticator)

  • Added localization support for UBA strings in UI and i18n.json

  • Fixed some corner cases that led to improper GetSession status when scanning a QR

  • Fixed a crash producing when an enrolment was attempted with PIN policy set to “false”

  • Internal application logs now contain the build number in the file header, making it easier to debug production scenarios

  • Code validation receiver options are now displayed according to their set priority in Admin

  • Fixed an application UI freeze if the app process is stopped during vFace enrolment

iOS build 3.6 (6) main highlights:

New features:

  • Added support for granular control over Operating System and Application versions required for VeridiumID operation

  • Added support for dormant device deprovisioning feature

  • Added support for server side control for location accuracy. New parameters can be found in Admin - Geolocation section, or alternatively in the location.json file


        "enhanceLocationAccuracy": false,
        "locationMinAccuracy": 10,
        "locationMaxWaitTime": 15

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Improved the certificate renewal mechanism to recover in more production use cases (for example if a mobile device is used exclusively as a TOTP authenticator)

  • Added localization support for UBA strings in UI and i18n.json

  • Improved the network calls' handling by moving them to a separate thread

  • Fixed a crash producing when scanning atypical QRs

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the mobile app to ask for a PIN when enrolling TOTP, although the policy for PIN is set to false

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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