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Migration from v4

4Finger ID is now easier to integrate and customise over previous releases. Fingerprint export is integrated with enrol and authentication functions within a fewer number of modules. The UI module is separate from all core logic of the biometric and follows a fixed interface making it easily extendable and replaceable.

The method of integration remains very similar, but with a few key changes highlighted in this documents.


4Finger ID consists of just two modules. All previous 4Finger ID modules should be removed.

  • veridium-fourf-release.aar - This contains the core logic of the biometric and the Activity from which the biometric is run. (package name: com.veridiumid.sdk.fourf

  • veridium-fourf-ui-release.aar- A UI for portrait mode, self capture, as used in the Veridium Authenticator app. (package name: com.veridiumid.sdk.fourf.ui)

Base Activity

FourFBiometricsActivity is now the 4FingerID base activity for all operations, contained within the veridium-fourf module. Registered this Activity in the manifest, or extend to customise, for example,


import com.veridiumid.sdk.fourf.FourFBiometricsActivity;

public class CustomFourFActivity extends FourFBiometricsActivity {

The Base Activity is no longer the location where UI can be altered.

Configuring Digits to Export

There is now a single Operation entry point to request fingerprint export, export()

Intent fourFIntent = VeridiumSDK.getSingleton().export(FourFInterface.UID);
startActivityForResult(fourFIntent, REQUEST_CAPTURE);

Configuration of which digits to capture is set via ExportConfig, with convenience enums provided by ExportConfig.ExportMode. For example, to capture both thumbs,


However, 4Finger ID can be configured to capture any sub-set of digits. See 4FingerID - Formats and Configuration for more details.


Liveness is tuned on and off via the ExportConfig static class:


This version uses passive liveness. No additional action by the user is required.

Failure to pass liveness halts the capture process and the SDK returns a IVeridiumSDK#LIVENESS_FAILED result.

UI Selection

It is no longer the case that each UI has a Base Activity. Instead, a UI is as a full screen Fragment.

Assign the UI Fragment by overriding the fragmentToShow() method of the base activity, FourFBiometricsActivity. The default implantation is as follows:

import com.veridiumid.sdk.fourf.FourFBiometricsActivity;
import com.veridiumid.sdk.fourf.ui.FourFUIFragment;

public class FourFCaptureActivity extends FourFBiometricsActivity

    protected <FourFFragmentInterfaceUnion extends Fragment & FourFUIInterface> FourFFragmentInterfaceUnion fragmentToShow() {
        return (FourFFragmentInterfaceUnion) new FourFUIFragment();

UI Customisation

The new UI implementation is not compatible with previous releases. Customisations will required migration to the new UI architecture. See User Interface section of 4FingerID Biometric Integration Android for details on UI customisation.

Finger Selector Module

The finger selection UI module has been refactored for simpler use. Intuitively, users now select the fingers they wish to capture, not those that are missing. The Android module is now named veridium-finger-selector. Please consult the integration guide for updated usage.

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