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Migrate data from onprem to container, using the same CA

  1. How to export/import Cassandra data:

    ##From where we take the backup:
    ## run repair on one node
    nodetool clearsnapshot --all
    nodetool repair veridium 
    ## run compact on that node
    nodetool compact veridium 
    ## run backup
    bash /opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/ -c=/opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/cassandra_backup.conf
    ## take it and move it to new datacenter:
    cd /opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra
    tar -czf backup.tar.gz 2024-01-06_04-00
    mv backup.tar.gz /tmp/
    ##On target, uncompress the backup and go to specific location:
    tar -xvf backup.tar.gz
    ## go to veridium subfolder
    cd 2024-01-06_04-00/dc1_10.70.60.248/
    ## do truncate of all tables:
    ARRAY=( `/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc --ssl -e "use veridium; desc tables;"` )
    for table in $TABLES; do /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc --ssl -e "truncate table veridium.${table};"; done
    ## move the DB files to proper location
    ## (*it might be that some folders don't have db files, so it it ok if no file is to be copied)
    for var in `ls -1 veridium/`; do table=`echo ${var%-*}`; mv veridium/${var}/snapshots/*/*db veridium/${var}/; done
    ##load files in cassandra veridium:
    for var in `ls -1 veridium/`; do table=`echo ${var%-*}`; /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/sstableloader -f /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml -d -p 9042 ./veridium/${table}-*/; done
    ##if necessary, modify MAX_HEAP_SIZE in /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/sstableloader
  2. How to export/import Elasticsearch data:

    ##It can be taken the last backup from
    ##Or it can be created a new one, with current date (even with events from today)
    bash /opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ --backup --page-size=1000 --mode=DATA --request-timeout=5 --connect-timeout=1 --parallel-tasks=2 --date-to=`date -d '+1 day' +%Y-%m-%d` --dir=/tmp/exportElastic
    ##Copy the files /tmp/exportElastic to new server and import them:
    bash /opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ --restore --dir=/tmp/elasticDevelop
  3. How to export/import Zookeeper data:

    ##export data
    /opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -d zkDownload
    ##change the IP
    NEW_IP="";IP=""; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
    NEW_IP="";IP=""; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
    NEW_IP="";IP=""; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
    ##change also other specific configuration files:
    NEW_IP="";IP=""; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
    config.json -> cassandra Connector, friendCertificateSuffixByDataCeneter, and other parameters
    ## upload data to the new machine
    /opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -u zkDownload
  4. Other configuration files:

    ## set the same client-ca:
    ##regenerate OPA certificate and replace it in the secrets.
    ##change the proxy secred in the following files with the value from onprem
    ##load idp credentials
    ##if needed, truststore_root.ks and keystore_root.ks, used in /opt/veridiumid/tomcat/conf/server.xml.
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