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Android Platform UI Interface

UI abstract class with methods callable by the 4FingerID library. Allows the library to control the platform GUI from the library. Implement this abstract class to build a completely custom UI.

 *  UI abstract class that has abstract methods called by the FourF library. Allows the library
 *  to control the platform gui from the library. Must not change any method signatures without
 *  also making the same changes in the library.

public interface FourFUIInterface {

     * The distinct modes in which 4FingerID can capture fingerprint data.
    enum captureMode{
        /** 4 fingers of one hand, presented from the side of the screen */
        /** thumb, presented from the bottom of the screen */
        /** single finger, presented from the side of the screen */
        /** 4 fingers of one hand, presented from the top of the screen */

        private int code;
        captureMode(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static captureMode resolve(int what) {
            captureMode[] states = values();
            for (captureMode state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;

     * The current target for capture, either an individual finger, a thumb, or 4 fingers of a hand
    enum printToCapture{

        private int code;
        printToCapture(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static printToCapture resolve(int what) {
            printToCapture[] states = values();
            for (printToCapture state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;

        public boolean isLeftHand(){
            switch (this) {
                case INVALID:
                    return false;
                case THUMB_RIGHT:
                case INDEX_RIGHT:
                case MIDDLE_RIGHT:
                case RING_RIGHT:
                case LITTLE_RIGHT:
                    return false;
                case THUMB_LEFT:
                case INDEX_LEFT:
                case MIDDLE_LEFT:
                case RING_LEFT:
                case LITTLE_LEFT:
                    return true;
                case HAND_RIGHT:
                    return false;
                case HAND_LEFT:
                    return true;
            return false;

     * Instructions to relay to the user as to the progress of a capture.
    enum uiInstruction{  //FIXME improve instruction names
        /** correct position for capture, the user must be still */
        /** an image was out of focus */
        /** correct position, preparing to take an image */
        /** hand is too close to the camera */
        /** hand is too far from the camera */
        /** the user is holding their fingers apart */
        /** fingers too high (towards the index finger) */
        /** fingers too low (towards the little finger) */
        /** fingers too far left */
        /** fingers too far right */
        /** the system is expecting an image to be taken */
        /** the fingers can not been seen or are unexpected */
        /** the camera feed is too dim */
        /** user showing the wrong hand */

        private int code;
        uiInstruction(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static uiInstruction resolve(int what) {
            uiInstruction[] states = values();
            for (uiInstruction state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;


     * Types of blocking event for indicating specific events to a user
    enum blockingUIInstruction{
        /** NONE */
        /** switching to the next capture target */
        /** Enrolment step 2 of 2 will begin */
        /** Enrolment step 2 of 3 will begin */
        /** Enrolment step 3 of 3 will begin */
        /** User failed in the biometric match */
        /** Display help to the user */

        private int code;
        blockingUIInstruction(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static blockingUIInstruction resolve(int what) {
            blockingUIInstruction[] states = values();
            for (blockingUIInstruction state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;


     * Types of user actions.
    enum UserAction{
        /** user wishes to continue */
        /** user wishes to cancel */

        private int code;
        UserAction(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static UserAction resolve(int what) {
            UserAction[] states = values();
            for (UserAction state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;


     * Reasons for ending an operation
    enum FourFFinishReason{

        private int code;
        FourFFinishReason(int code) {
            this.code = code;
        public int getCode() {
            return code;

        public static FourFFinishReason resolve(int what) {
            FourFFinishReason[] states = values();
            for (FourFFinishReason state : states) {
                if (state.code == what) {
                    return state;
            return null;

        Methods to be called by Library
        (To communicate from the UI to the FourF library call the methods available in the

     * Implement UI updates given an instruction. These events do not halt progress of the capture
     * so you should not expect user input. Newly received instructions should override previous
     * instructions.
     * @param instruction instruction
    void handleUIInstruction(uiInstruction instruction);

     * Implement UI updates given an instruction. These events halt progress of the capture in order
     * to get user input if desired. Once handled, call
     * FourFUIIntegrationWrapper.handledBlockingUIInstruction() with a UserAction to continue.
     * @param instruction instruction
    void handleBlockingUIInstruction(blockingUIInstruction instruction);

     * Indicates the biometric is processing for a result following successful acceptance
     * of a capture. No other feedback is given until onPocessingStop() is received. Use this, for
     * example, to show a spinning progress wheel.
    void onProcessingStart();

     * Indicates the biometric has finished processing for a result following successful acceptance
     * of a capture. This is always paired with an onPocessingStart().
    void onProcessingStop();

     * The system is about to begin taking a high resolution picture. This is always paired with
     * onTakePictureStop().
    void onTakePictureStart();

     * The system has finished taking a high resolution picture. This is always paired with
     * onTakePictureStart().
    void onTakePictureStop();

     * An image has been accepted as being of good quality. Processing will not begin until this
     * has occurred. Once received a user can safely remove their hand from view.
    void onImageAcceptance();

     * An image has been rejected because of poor quality. Processing will not begin, and another
     * image may be requested.
    void onImageRejection();

     * Provides information about the *mode* 4 FingerID is currently in, where the hand / digit
     * should be placed within the camera view, and if the user is able to decide to alter which
     * hand they are capturing.
     * configureUI() will be called whenever 4 FingerID indicates it would like to capture a
     * particular print, and this may occur several times. For example, when configured to capture
     * both the left and right hand `configureUI()` will be called twice; once at the start
     * of left hand capture, and again after successful capture of the left hand to begin right hand
     * capture.
     * @param mode The mode that the UI should prepare capture for. You should layout your UI
     *             accordingly.
     * @param print Which fingerprint, or prints, are about to be captured
     * @param regionOfInterest A rectangle indicating the region in the camera preview a user should
     *                         place their fingers within. You should use this region to position your
     *                         hand guide on screen. Values are normalised to the camera preview.
     *                         For example, an x value of 0.5 is the centre of the preview. A width
     *                         value of 0.25 is 25% the width of the preview. Note: this area will
     *                         differ between devices, so do not use a static positioning of UI
     *                         components.
     * @param canSwitchHand TRUE if the user is allowed to choose to switch hands during capture. If
     *                      TRUE you should provide a mechanism for the user to change hands (see
     *                      FourFUIIntegrationWrapper.requestSwitchHand()). If FALSE, disable any
     *                      UI for hand switching.
    void configureUI(captureMode mode, printToCapture print, RectF regionOfInterest, boolean canSwitchHand);

     * Display realtime feedback. This includes "hand distance" relative to the
     * optimal, and position of each finger.
     * @param rois RectF array indicating the position of fingers; index, middle, ring, and little.
     *             Values are normalised to the camera preview. For example, an x value of 0.5 is the
     *             centre of the preview. A width value of 0.25 is 25% the width of the preview.
     *             You must account for how your UI has cropped and positioned the camera preview in
     *             order to display them correctly.
     * @param distance the normalised distance of the hand from the optimal distance given in the
     *                 range [-2.5, 2.5], where values [-1.0, 1.0] are acceptable for capture.
    void displayRealTimeInformation(RectF[] rois, float distance);

     * Informs your UI of camera preview width and height, for example, to set aspect ratios.
     * @param width camera preview width (pixels)
     * @param height camera preview height (pixels)
    void setPreviewResolution(int width, int height);

     * Control display of the instruction screen
     * @param showInstructionScreen When TRUE the instruction screen is displayed
    void setShowInstructionScreen(boolean showInstructionScreen);

        Methods that will be called by the platform

     * Provide a frame layout for rendering the camera preview to.
     * @return an AspectRatioSafeFrameLayout frame layout
    AspectRatioSafeFrameLayout getPreviewHolder();

     * Receive a listener object on which to call FourFFragmentReady() once the UI fragment is
     * inited.
     * @param onFourFFragmentReadyListener listener to allow the UI fragment to declare it is ready
    void onReady(onFourFFragmentReadyListener onFourFFragmentReadyListener);

     * Called when an operation has completed, including a reason for the completion. Call
     * MyCustomUIFragment.this.getActivity().finish(); to finish.
     * @param reason reason for completion.
    void dismiss(FourFFinishReason reason);

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