Windows Components 3.5
New Veridium Windows components implement client support for new functionalities:
Credential Provider:
Added support for Thales Cogent Single Finger Scanner DactyID20 as a biometric authenticator available for enrollment & authentication. Support is provided for GreenBit and Bitmap formats, configurable in Veridium Manager / Orchestrator / Methods / DESKTOP_FINGERPRINT.
For the Credential Provider to display the fingerprint authentication method, the registry key “EnableDactyID20FingerprintSensor” must be set to 1 (true).LDAP Password can be used as credential for authentication. In this version only logon and unlock scenarios are supported, without Shell extension and RDP flows.
Veridium RA is not used on the Password flow. For more details: . This feature is supported for both online and offline authentication flows.Code signing digital signature is verified during both BopsLogon and Credential Provider starting procedures.
Windows Credential Provider v.3.5 build 241:
Filename | md5 | Description |
605f5a7151f8fcc56ef4d471685917b3 | Windows Credential Provider 64bit | |
cb11ef557c660f8814c54c0abfd9d434 | RAEP GUI Installer | |
6f0aabd0ababe9eac4a565205ac44e4b | ADFS Installer | |
6a7a9846b5bc59434aeff3ff6435087f | Citrix Installer |