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Disable ElasticSearch and re-enable Kafka and Kafka Streams

This article will provide a step by step procedure to disable ElasticSearch and re-enable Kafka and Kafka Streams

1) Disable ElasticSearch in all datacenters

Please run the following command as root on ALL persistence nodes ( in all datacenters ):

python3 /etc/veridiumid/scripts/ --disable --elastic

2) Change the Zookeeper configuration to stop sending data to ElasticSearch

Run this command as root on one server in each datacenter:

python3 /etc/veridiumid/scripts/ --disable --zk-change

3) Start Kafka and Kafka Streams

Please run the following command as root on ALL nodes, starting with persistence servers ( in all datacenters):

python3 /etc/veridiumid/scripts/ --enable --kafka

To check the status of services you can use the following command on all nodes:

bash /etc/veridiumid/scripts/

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