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Cross DataCenter Replication using the same CA certificate - CDCR

This document will describe the procedure to enable CDCR between VeridiumID deployments using the same Certificate Authority.

Note: In this procedure we will refer to the first datacenter (the one containing all the data) as DC1 and the second datacenter (the one that will be synced) as DC2

PLEASE DISABLE ZOOKEEPER encryption on each DC before starting the synchronization.

To disable Zookeeper, access the Veridium Manager Console, go to Settings → Advanced. On the top right of the page you will find a button labeled “Disable storage protection”.

If the Zookeeper encryption is already disabled, the button is labeled “Enable storage protection” and the message “Storage protection is disabled” will be displayed.

1. Please check if all the servers have ntp in sync. Time desynchronization it will not allow to create a CDCR cluster.

timedatectl status
### check ntp configuration and see what servers are configured
vim /etc/ntpd.conf

service ntpd stop; ntdp -gq; service ntpd start; systemctl enable ntpd
## how to test a conectivity to a server

1. Copy HaProxy truststore from DC1 to DC2

Access a Webapp node in DC1 and copy the following certificate: /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/client-ca.pem.

Upload the certificate to all Webapp nodes in DC2 and replace the existing one.

2. Copy Cassandra certificates from DC1 to DC2

Access a persistence node in DC1 and copy the following certificate files to the same location in DC2:

  • Keystore: /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/KeyStore.jks

  • Keystore password can be obtained by using the following command:

    • BASH
      cat /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml | grep keystore_password | tail -n 1| tr -d [:space:]|  cut -d":" -f2
  • Truststore: /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/TrustStore.jks

  • Truststore password can be obtained by using the following command:

    • BASH
      cat /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml | grep truststore_password | tail -n 1| tr -d [:space:]|  cut -d":" -f2
  • CQLSH public certificate: /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem

  • CQLSH private key: /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem

Upload certificates to the same path in all DC2 persistence nodes and modify the passwords in cassandra.yaml by using the following commands:

sed -i "s|keystore_password.*|keystore_password: DC1_KEY_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i "s|truststore_password.*|truststore_password: DC1_TRUST_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml


  • DC1_KEY_PASS: is the password of the keystore obtained from DC1

  • DC1_TRUST_PASS: is the password of the truststore obtained from DC1

After changing the certificates and the passwords restart Cassandra service on all DC2 persistence nodes using the following command as root:

service ver_cassandra restart

3. Configure Cassandra Network Topology Strategy in DC1

Connect to a persistence server in DC1 and use the following commands:

/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --ssl --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc
ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_traces WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE veridium WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3};


  • ‘dc1’ will be replaced with the name of the first Data Center in lowercase

  • “3” will be replaced with the number of persistence nodes in each Data Center

These settings will now be replicated within the cluster. Please use the following command to force the synchronisation:

/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/nodetool repair --full

4. Configure Cassandra in DC2

Stop all VeridiumID services on all nodes in DC2 by running the following command as root:

  • On all DC2 persistence nodes make sure that /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ has a different value for datacenter name than then one in DC1. For example:


On all DC2 persistence nodes add the following line at the end of /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.ignore_dc=true"

On all persistence nodes edit /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml and change/add these entries. The seed nodes will be the first two IP addresses of the current datacenter and the first two IP addresses of the other datacenter. In our case the following will be configured:



# Add the IP of the 1st persistence server from dc1 to the seeds
    # Addresses of hosts that are deemed contact points.
    # Cassandra nodes use this list of hosts to find each other and learn
    # the topology of the ring.  You must change this if you are running
    # multiple nodes!
    - class_name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider
          # seeds is actually a comma-delimited list of addresses.
          # Ex: "<ip1>,<ip2>,<ip3>"
          - seeds: ",,,"
# If this line doesn't exist at it add the end of the file
auto_bootstrap: true

On all DC2 persistence nodes restart Cassandra service and remove current data using the following commands:

systemctl stop ver_cassandra
rm -fr /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/data/*
rm -fr /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/commitlog/*

# Now restart the service where dc2 will join the cluster
systemctl start ver_cassandra;tail -f /var/log/veridiumid/cassandra/system.log

5. Configure Cassandra in DC1

Run the following commands in DC1 on a single persistence node:

/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --ssl --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc  

ALTER KEYSPACE system_auth WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3, 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_traces WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3, 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3, 'dc2' : 3};
ALTER KEYSPACE veridium WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3, 'dc2' : 3};


6. Rebuild DC2 datacenter

On each persistence node in DC2 run the following command to rebuild the data. Start with the first node and then wait for the process to be completed before moving to the next.

/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/nodetool rebuild -dc dc1

# You can check the status of the database using this command
/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/nodetool status

7. Configure Elasticsearch for CDCR

7.1) Stop the cluster in DC2

Connect to all persistence nodes in DC2 and stop the ElasticSearch service by running the following command as root:

service ver_elasticsearch stop

7.2) Modify the ElasticSearch YAML file

Connect to all persistence nodes in DC2 and add the following configurations to the /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml file:

discovery.seed_hosts: [ NODES_FROM_DC1, NODES_FROM_DC2 ]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: [ NODES_FROM_DC1 ] dc1, dc2

  - NODES_FROM_DC1 is the list of IP addresses of nodes in DC1, for example: "", "", ""
  - NODES_FROM_DC2 is the list of IP addresses of nodes in DC2, for example: "", "", ""

Connect to all persistence nodes in DC1 and modify the following in the /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml file:

discovery.seed_hosts: [ NODES_FROM_DC1, NODES_FROM_DC2 ] dc1, dc2

  - NODES_FROM_DC1 is the list of IP addresses of nodes in DC1, for example: "", "", ""
  - NODES_FROM_DC2 is the list of IP addresses of nodes in DC2, for example: "", "", ""

7.3) Copy certificates and passwords from the first datacenter

From one persistence node in DC1 the following files must be copied to all persistence nodes in DC2:

  • /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.keystore file

  • /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs directory

After copying the to the same path on all nodes in DC2, make sure to have the correct certificate names in the elasticsearch.yml file:

# Check the certificate names
ls -l /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs

# Example output
total 12
-rw-rw---- 1 veridiumid veridiumid 6615 mar  9 16:30 KeyStore.p12
-rw-rw---- 1 veridiumid veridiumid 1938 mar  9 16:31 TrustStore.p12

# Open the elasticsearch.yml file and make sure to have the correct names listed under the following values
  enabled: true
  keystore.path: certs/KeyStore.p12
  keystore.type: PKCS12
  enabled: true
  verification_mode: certificate
  keystore.path: certs/KeyStore.p12
  keystore.type: PKCS12
  truststore.path: certs/TrustStore.p12
  truststore.type: PKCS12

7.4) Delete current data on DC2

Connect to all persistence nodes on DC2 and run the following command as root to remove the existing data of the ElasticSearch cluster:

rm -rf /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/data/*

7.5) Start ElasticSearch on the second datacenter

On all persistence nodes in DC2 start ElasticSearch by using the following commands as root:

service ver_elasticsearch start

7.6) ReStart ElasticSearch on the first datacenter

On all persistence nodes in DC1 reStart ElasticSearch by using the following commands as root:

service ver_elasticsearch restart

8. Restart persistence services in DC2

On each persistence node in DC2 run the following commands to restart services. Commands must be run as root:

service ver_zookeeper start

9. Sync Zookeeper configuration between nodes:

Connect to a Webapp Node in DC1 and download the zookeeper configuration using the following command:

/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -d DC1

tar zcvf dc1.tar.gz DC1

Copy the /home/veridiumid/DC1 directory and upload it to a Webapp node in DC2.

On the node where the DC1 configuration has been uploaded in DC2, run the following command to download the zookeeper configuration just for backup purposes:

/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -d DC2

Sync persistence IP addresses from DC1 with the ones in DC2:

cd DC1
NEW_IP="IP_WEB1_DC2";IP="IP_WEB1_DC1"; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
NEW_IP="IP_WEB2_DC2";IP="IP_WEB2_DC1"; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
NEW_IP="IP_PER1_DC2";IP="IP_PER1_DC1"; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
NEW_IP="IP_PER2_DC2";IP="IP_PER2_DC1"; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done
NEW_IP="IP_PER3_DC2";IP="IP_PER3_DC1"; LIST_OF_FILE=( `grep -FlR "${IP}" *` ); for file in ${LIST_OF_FILE[@]}; do sed -i "s|${IP}|${NEW_IP}|g" ${file}; done

##edit config.json and set in 3 places the name of the second datacenter instead of old datacenter


  • IP_WEB1_DC1 is the IP address of the first webapp node in DC1

  • IP_PER1_DC1 is the IP address of the first persistence node in DC1

  • IP_WEB1_DC2 is the IP address of the first webapp node in DC2

  • IP_PER1_DC2 is the IP address of the first persistence node in DC2

Upload the new configuration to Zookeeper in DC2:

/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -u DC1

10. Change Proxy secret in DC2

Connect to a Webapp node in DC1 and obtain the proxy secret value using the following command:

cat /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/haproxy.cfg | grep proxy-secret | rev | cut -d" " -f1 | rev | uniq

Connect to a Webapp node in DC2 and obtain the proxy secret value using the following command:

cat /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/haproxy.cfg | grep proxy-secret | rev | cut -d" " -f1 | rev | uniq

Run the following commands on all Webapp nodes in DC2 as root:

sed -i "s|passwordDC2|passwordDC1|g" /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
sed -i "s|passwordDC2|passwordDC1|g" /opt/veridiumid/tomcat/conf/context.xml

11. Restart services

Run the following commands as root:

# Persistence nodes
systemctl start ver_data_retention

# Webapp nodes
## or individual process
systemctl start ver_websecadmin;tail -f /var/log/veridiumid/websecadmin/websecadmin.log
systemctl start ver_tomcat;tail -f /var/log/veridiumid/tomcat/catalina.out
systemctl start ver_notifications
/opt/veridiumid/statistics/bin/ start
systemctl start ver_fido
systemctl start ver_selfservice
systemctl start ver_haproxy
systemctl start ver_freeradius

12. Go in websecadmin in DC2, and modify the variable with the second DC name (as it was copied from DC1) - friendCertificateSuffixByDataCenter

13) Zookeeper configuration changes for Elasticsearch

Connect to the Admin Dashboard in DC1 and navigate to Settings → Advanced → elasticsearch.json and add all hosts (from both DC1 and DC2, separated by a comma) to the list of hosts.

Copy the content of the JSON file and, after saving the file, connect to the Admin Dashboard in DC2 and modify the elasticsearch.json with the values from DC1.

14) Change number of replicas of current indices

The following command can be run from any persistence node (recommended would be one in DC1):

eops -x=PUT -p=/veridium.*/_settings -d='{"index":{"number_of_replicas":3}}'

15) Check status of the cluster

The following commands can be run from any or all persistence nodes:

## run check_services and see that all 6 elasticnodes are in a cluster.

16. Other recommendations:

16.1 Setting up the data retention process to run only on one Data Center

It is recommended that the data retention process should only run on the main Data Center (DC1).

Execute the following commands on all the persistence nodes in the secondary Data Center (DC2).

systemctl disable ver_data_retention; service ver_data_retention stop

16.2 Setting up maintenance jobs for the persistence nodes

On the persistence nodes, in all of the data centers it is recommended to trigger the maintenance jobs on different intervals.

The same configuration must be set on all the persistence nodes in all the Data Centers.

In the example below is presented the recommended setup for the maintenance jobs for a 3 persistence node deployment.

## node1
0 4 * * 6 bash /opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/ -c=/opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/cassandra_backup.conf
0 1 * * 5 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf
0 1 * * 6 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf -k

## node2
0 4 * * 5 bash /opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/ -c=/opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/cassandra_backup.conf
0 1 * * 4 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf
0 1 * * 5 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf -k

## node3
0 4 * * 7 bash /opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/ -c=/opt/veridiumid/backup/cassandra/cassandra_backup.conf
0 1 * * 6 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf
0 1 * * 7 bash /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/ -c /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/maintenance.conf -k

16.3 Verify the certificate parameters

Navigate to VeridiumID Web Admin Interface → Settings → Advanced → config.json

In the json document, search for validityDays.

The same values should be present on all of the persistence nodes, in both Data Centers. Below you will find the default values for these parameters.

        "validityDays": {
            "default": 3650,
            "other": 3650,
            "desktop": 365,
            "phone": 3650,
            "friend": 3650,
            "admin": 3650

16.4 Verify the data-retention policy

Navigate to VeridiumID Web Admin Interface → Settings → Advanced → config.json

  • In the json document, search for dataType.

    • Check that for each of the dataType found, the “hot” parameter is set to 365 (one year).

  • In the json document, search for archivingPath.

    • Check that the configured path exists on the persistence nodes.

16.5 Regenerating the existing certificates

It is recommended to reissue all the certificates used by VeridiumID once the CDCR is completed.

  • Navigate to VeridiumID Web Admin Interface → Settings → Certificates → Service Credentials

    • Under “System Services“ Tab, renew the certificates for Active Directory Integration, DMZ, Shibboleth, Self Service Portal, Radius Server)

    • Under “Others” Tab, renew the OPA certificate. This certificate is Data Center specific and will download a .zip archive on renewal. The OPA certificate needs to be also renewed on each of the respective persistence nodes. This can be achieved by using the command below, after the zip archive is uploaded to the node. Replace </path/to/archive/> in the example below with the actual path of the archive.

adminFQDN=$(grep "url:" /opt/veridiumid/opa/conf/opa.yaml | awk -F'/' '{print $3}')
/opt/veridiumid/opa/bin/ -c </path/to/archive/> -a $adminFQDN
  • Navigate to VeridiumID Web Admin Interface → Settings → Certificates → Validity Dashboard

    • Remove the previously used certificates (ad, dmz, shibboleth, ssp, radius) by going to Devices and search for FRIEND device.

Useful scripts:

#DC1 webapp

mkdir -p /tmp/veridium/haproxy
cp /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/client-ca.pem /tmp/veridium/haproxy/
cp /etc/veridiumid/haproxy/server.pem /tmp/veridium/haproxy/

mkdir -p /tmp/veridium/shib
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-signing.crt /tmp/veridium/shib/
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-signing.key /tmp/veridium/shib/
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.jks /tmp/veridium/shib/
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-encryption.crt /tmp/veridium/shib/
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-encryption.key /tmp/veridium/shib/

tar -czvf /tmp/configs.tar.gz /tmp/veridium

## copy the file to webapps in DC2
tar -xvf configs.tar.gz
\cp tmp/veridium/haproxy/client-ca.pem /opt/veridiumid/haproxy/conf/
\cp tmp/veridium/haproxy/server.pem /opt/veridiumid/haproxy/conf/
\cp tmp/veridium/shib/sealer.jks /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/
\cp tmp/veridium/shib/idp-signing.crt /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/
\cp tmp/veridium/shib/idp-signing.key /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/
\cp tmp/veridium/shib/idp-encryption.crt /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/
\cp tmp/veridium/shib/idp-encryption.key /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/

#DC1: persistence
mkdir -p /tmp/veridium/cassandra
cp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/KeyStore.jks /tmp/veridium/cassandra
cp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/TrustStore.jks /tmp/veridium/cassandra
cp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem /tmp/veridium/cassandra
cp /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem /tmp/veridium/cassandra

mkdir -p /tmp/veridium/elastic
cp /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.keystore /tmp/veridium/elastic/
cp /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs/KeyStore.p12 /tmp/veridium/elastic/
cp /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs/TrustStore.p12 /tmp/veridium/elastic/

#mkdir -p /tmp/veridium/kafka
#cp /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/certs/KeyStore.jks /tmp/veridium/kafka
#cp /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/certs/TrustStore.jks /tmp/veridium/kafka

tar -czvf /tmp/configs.tar.gz /tmp/veridium

## on persistence
cd /tmp
tar -xvf /tmp/configs.tar.gz
\cp tmp/veridium/cassandra/KeyStore.jks /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/
\cp tmp/veridium/cassandra/TrustStore.jks /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/
\cp tmp/veridium/cassandra/cqlsh_cassandra_cert.pem /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/
\cp tmp/veridium/cassandra/cqlsh_cassandra_key.pem /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/

## in DC1:
cat /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml | grep keystore_password | tail -n 1| tr -d [:space:]|  cut -d":" -f2

## in DC2
sed -i "s|keystore_password.*|keystore_password: DC1_KEY_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i "s|truststore_password.*|truststore_password: DC1_TRUST_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml


\cp tmp/veridium/elastic/elasticsearch.keystore /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/
\cp tmp/veridium/elastic/KeyStore.p12 /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs/
\cp tmp/veridium/elastic/TrustStore.p12 /opt/veridiumid/elasticsearch/config/certs/

4.2 kafka:
#cp /tmp/tmp/veridum/kafka/KeyStore.jks /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/certs/
#cp /tmp/tmp/veridium/kafka/TrustStore.jks /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/certs/ 

## run in DC1:
#cat /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/ | grep keystore.password | cut -d"=" -f2
#cat /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/ | grep truststore.password | cut -d"=" -f2

## run in DC2:
#sed -i "s|keystore.password.*|keystore.password=DC1_KEY_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/
#sed -i "s|key.password.*|key.password=DC1_KEY_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/
#sed -i "s|truststore.password.*|truststore.password=DC1_TRUST_PASS|g" /opt/veridiumid/kafka/config/

## zookeeper
/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -d DC1backup
/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -d DC2backup

/opt/veridiumid/migration/bin/ -u DC1

## shibboleth
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-signing.crt /tmp/shib/
cp /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.jks /tmp/shib/

cp /tmp/veridium/shib/idp-signing.crt /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/
cp /tmp/veridium/shib/sealer.jks /opt/veridiumid/shibboleth-idp/credentials/

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