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Mobile Application

This version of mobile apps is released in anticipation of the new server features and also to fix bugs reported from production cases. Please note that mobile apps maintain backwards compatibility and can be used with no issues on existing server versions, on all flows, with no configuration changes.

Android build 3.4.0 (3) main highlights:

New features:

  1. Support for emergency pushes feature has been added. The entire mechanism will be available in conjunction with the server version 3.4.

Bug fixes and improvements:

  1. Fixed an issue where pushes were re-triggered if the application process was restart in the middle of an authentication. Now in this scenario the session will be treated as “timed out”.

  2. Fixed issues with application permissions (i.e. Camera and Location) that caused erratic behavior. For example camera permissions were always asked before an authentication request, even if there was non need for the camera.

  3. Improved the UI to handle longer friendly application names (set server-side) better.

  4. Improved the behavior and resilience of the app in bad connection cases. “Services not available” messages are treated better and should mitigate occasional errors during registration.

  5. Updated vFace to 4.0.1 and 4F to 5.4.6.

  6. Fixed a specific device issue with 4F focus (Redmi Note 11S)

  7. Improved the code base by removing references to older server versions not present in production anymore.

Security improvements:

  1. Configuration for protection against rooted devices access has been removed - the parameter value for “is-root-protection-enabled” from mobileSettings.json is not taken into account, instead it is considered “TRUE” by the mobile apps.

  2. Improved the pairing process security to mitigate any potential man-in-the-middle, phishing and social engineering attack vectors.

iOS build 3.4.0 (4) main highlights:

New features:

  1. Support for emergency pushes feature has been added. The entire mechanism will be available with the server version 3.4.

Bug fixes and improvements:

  1. Fixed a crash that occurred if the application process was stopped during enrolment, at the 4F information window.

  2. Updated vFace to 4.0.1 and 4F to 5.4.6.

  3. Fixed an error that displayed “4F enrollment error - profile not found” when attempting to enroll a standalone ITP profile.

  4. Improved the notification system of the application to remove the “REFRESH_SECRETS” and “ACTION_REVOKED” push notifications received by users in scenarios not relevant for normal application usage.

  5. Fixed an issue that prevented the “New version available. Please Update” banner inside the app to appear when a new version is available in App Store.

  6. Fixed an issue where the “Next” button in the 4F enrolment info screen was not visible on smaller screens.

  7. Improved the UI to handle longer strings better in the vFace information screen on enrolment.

Security improvements:

  1. Configuration for protection against rooted devices access has been removed - the parameter value for “is-root-protection-enabled” from mobileSettings.json is not taken into account, instead it is considered “TRUE” by the mobile apps.

  2. Improved the pairing process security to mitigate any potential man-in-the-middle, phishing and social engineering attack vectors.

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