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Release 3.2.5


This version comes with updated biometric libraries (vFace and 4F) for web, mobile and Windows components, and some bugfixes and small feature changes requested from production deploys.


  • updated vFace to 3.3.0 and 4F to 5.4.2. Improvements have been added in detection mechanisms (speed and accuracy), liveness mechanism and new mobile devices support. These changes affect mobile apps, mobile SDKs, web app and Windows Credential Provider.

  • Timestamps across Veridium Manager are now inline with ISO 8601 standard “Year/Month/Day”. This change is reflected in all sections in dashboard and all reports.

  • Fixed an issue concerning Citrix Workspace using older browser webviews that caused session to not advance to the next step after correctly authenticating, because the session polling mechanism stopped.

  • Desktop and Phone Biometry entries are now invisible by default in integration configuration, to improve user experience in product configuration. A switch parameter "displayBiometrySelection" is available in admin.json to enable them again if needed. Default value for fresh deployments is “false”.

  • Fixed an issue where Shibboleth prompted for authentication even if session was expired (and displayed wrong information). This will eliminate the confusion for the end users in this flow.

  • Fixed an iOS application issue where a journey configured with the first step in browser and the second step as mobile pin did not work as expected.

  • Fixed an issue regarding the remembering of preferred authentication in scenarios with multiple authenticators challenges.

  • Fixed an Android issue where authenticating with push_with_user_presence on another device still triggered “Authentication successful” message on a second android device registered for an identity.

  • Added a separate API call in mobile SDK to get license expiration information.

  • Android devices with altered Google Play Service state (missing, no permission, old versions) are now treated the same as rooted devices (and subsequently react the same to the "is-root-protection-enabled" parameter value in mobileSettings.json)

  • Added a new parameter in mobileSettings.json that controls the display of map widget in push context. Parameter name is"display-session-context-map": "true/false" and it is only present in JSON file, not in GUI.

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