PIN authentication methods
In Veridium Manager, click Orchestrator on top navigation. The list of existing journeys is displayed.
Click Methods on the left-side container.
Double-click on PIN.
Options tab. PIN length: PIN length.
PIN Validity: Number of days the PIN is valid. Value -1 means unlimited.
Extra authentication allowed after expiry: 50. When PIN is expired, how many times user can still logon with old/expired PIN.
Validation with blacklist: Default setting is not enabled. Blacklist contains most common PINs, like 123456, 000000, etc.
Validation with user pin history: Default setting is not enabled. When PIN change, user must enter new PIN not used in the past.
History Size: 1 - how many PINs are checked in the history.GUI Configuration tab.
GUI Configuration Validation tab.
Click Save.