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Installation procedure

This section will provide the Ansible commands required to install VeridiumID.

Quick installation procedure

If the veridiumid user will be allowed to have elevated privileges (will be able to use sudo commands), then the following script can be used to configure VeridiumID:

./ -e=@mandatory_vars.yml

Manual installation procedure

If the veridiumid user will not be allowed to have elevated privileges (will not be able to use sudo commands), then the following commands can be used to configure VeridiumID:

  1. Check prerequisites.

    1. CODE
      ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag pre-setup-checks
  2. Certificate Authority deployment.

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars "component='all' operation='generate'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
    nsible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars "component='all' operation='create-truststores-pem-and-jk'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml 
    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars "component='all' operation='create-keystores-pem-and-jk'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  3. Zookeeper deployment.

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-zookeeper --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  4. Cassandra deployment.

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-cassandra -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml

  5. Kafka deployment.

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-kafka -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  6. HaProxy deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-haproxy -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml

  7. Websecadmin deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-websecadmin -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  8. Webapps deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-webapp -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  9. Kafka Stream deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-kafka-streams --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  10. Data Retention service deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-data-retention --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  11. OPA service deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-opa --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  12. Self Service Portal deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-selfservice --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  13. Fido deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-fido -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml
  14. FreeRadius deployment

    ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-freeradius -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'" --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml

Recovery procedure for Ansible configuration

Depending on the type of error, one of the following steps can be executed.

  1. If the fails due to network issues, it can be executed once again and it will recover from the last failure point. ( the script can be execute with screen if installed on the OS.

  2. If there is another issue, try to fix the error and rerun one more time (the script will try to install from the last failed step).
    ./ -e=@mandatory_vars.yml

  3. If the error is due to a previous configuration step, try to do the recovery using steps 1, 2 & 3.

If you want to configure from scratch, do all the steps, (1,2,3,4)

  1. Remove file state.txt (the installation will be starting from the begging), logs folder, and some generated files from below:

    rm -f $ANSIBLE_PATH/state.txt
    rm -rf $ANSIBLE_PATH/logs
    rm -f $ANSIBLE_PATH/group_files/dc1/*
    sudo systemctl stop ver_* ##(on all nodes; do not execute this step at this moment, if you want to execute step2)
  2. In some cases, if necessary, log in to Cassandra (persistence node) and run the below commands:

    /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc --ssl -e 'drop keyspace veridium;' 

    (even it received timeout, it should be deleted; check with the following command; the veridium keyspace should not exists)

    /opt/veridiumid/cassandra/bin/cqlsh --cqlshrc=/opt/veridiumid/cassandra/conf/veridiumid_cqlshrc --ssl -e 'desc keyspaces;' 
  3. if necessary, if you want to regenerate CA, you should run (under node selected for CA in env hosts)

    rm -rf /opt/veridiumid/CA
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