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Installation from Packages

As part of deployment resources, Veridium provides installation scripts to deploy VeridiumID on a fresh installed machine. Scripts and sources can be obtained from Veridium Sales Engineering team or Professional services.
The operating systems supported are Centos7 or RedHat Linux.


Node requirements

All nodes used in the deployment procedure will need to have SSH connectivity between them ensured by SSH keys on a single user, for example:

  • all nodes will have a user name centos that has ssh connectivity to all nodes

generate key (can be generated on all servers)


  • Take the key ( from one server, from where the installation will take place, and put it on all other servers (including himself) in

  • The default user will require admin (sudo) privileges (at least until the end of the deployment).


To have VeridiumID deployed in a client’s infrastructure the following dependencies must be installed (on all nodes):

sudo yum -y install apr-devel openssl-devel libstdc++-devel curl unzip wget zlib zlib-devel nc openssh-clients perl

In order to run the Veridium installer deployment scripts the following packages must also be installed:

sudo yum -y install createrepo yum-utils vsftpd dialog net-tools

Disable SE Linux

To disable SELinux on the node you will need to run the following command as root:

vi /etc/selinux/config

And make sure that the following value is present:

After setting the above value and saving the file a reboot of the node will be required.

Install Docker

for Docker installation, please use following links:

Install Docker Engine on CentOS
Install Docker Compose

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