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CA Renewal keeping issued certificates valid

This article provides the step by step procedure of recreating the CA certificate used by the VeridiumID server.

1. Pre-requisites

1.1 Scripts and packages

The CA renewal procedure requires the following to be available:

  • VeridiumID Python 3.6.8 package

  • Latest Ansible scripts (at least VID 2.5.4)

All requirements are available in Nexus.

1.2 Backup existing configuration

The following commands must be run as root.

Make a backup of the following:

  • The current CA directory: /opt/veridiumid/CA (This is present on only a single node of the environment)

  • The current Zookeeper configuration:

    • On a Webapp node run the following command to make a backup of the existing Zookeeper configuration:

    • BASH
      /opt/veridiumid/websecadmin/bin/ -d PATH
      Where PATH is the location where the backup will be saved, for example: /home/veridiumid/zoo_bkp

1.3 Copy Ansible scripts (if not already present)

On the Ansible node for this environment copy the Ansible scripts and make the necessary configurations:

ANSIBLE_DIR is the directory where the Ansible scripts have been copied (for example: /home/veridiumid/vid_ansible)

  • Make sure that ANSIBLE_DIR/ansible.cfg is correctly configured

  • Check if inside the ANSIBLE_DIR exists a file named pass.txt containing the password used for the ansible-vault encryption

  • Create the environment’s inventory host file

    • Inventory file from environments_host has to be updated: sed -i "s|/opt/veridiumid/python/bin/python|/usr/bin/python3|g" inventory

  • Make sure that the veridiumid user can connect over SSH (using SSH keys) to all machines in the environment

  • In the ANSIBLE_DIR/mandatory_vars.yml modify the following values with the correct ones for the environment:




    • CA_CITY

    • CA_STATE

    • CA_EMAIL



    • CA_CN_NAME

1.4 Copy migration-tool.jar

On the node where the CA will be generated make sure that the migration-tool.jar is present.

If the node is a Webapp node then the migration-tool.jar will be present in the following path: /opt/veridiumid/websecadmin/tools.

Otherwise copy the following files from a Webapp node:


Location on Webapp machine




1.5 Stop services

The following commands must be run as root:

On Webapp nodes:

service ver_websecadmin stop
service ver_tomcat stop
service ver_notifications stop
service ver_freeradius stop
service ver_fido stop
service ver_selfservice stop
/opt/veridiumid/statistics/bin/ stop

On Datalayer nodes:

service ver_data_retention stop

2. Renew the CA certificate

On the Ansible node go to ANSIBLE_DIR and run the following commands as veridiumid:

# Generate the new CA
ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml --extra-vars "component='all' operation='replace'"

# Generate the new truststores
ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml --extra-vars "component='all' operation='replace-truststores'"

# Generate the new keystores
ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag install-ca --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml --extra-vars "component='all' operation='replace-keystores'"

# Recreate the MTLS certificates for Cassandra and Kafka
ansible-playbook -i environments_hosts/inventory site.yml --tag renew-certificates --extra-vars=@mandatory_vars.yml -e "template_input='root_ca_vars'"

3. Modify the Zookeeper configuration

To modify the Zookeeper configuration follow the steps presented in the following article: Modify the Zookeeper configuration after the CA renewall

4. Change HaProxy’s truststore file

Copy the following file from the node where the CA was generated to all HaProxy nodes, under /etc/veridiumid/haproxy:

  • /opt/veridiumid/CA/ROOT_CA/truststores/trust_root.pem

On each HaProxy node run the following commands as root:

# Go the the HaProxy config directory
cd /etc/veridiumid/haproxy

# Make a backup of the current truststore
mv client-ca.pem client-ca.pem_bkp

# Add the new truststore at the end of the current one (to allow both truststores to function in parallel)
cp trust_root.pem client_ca.pem

# Check the current HaProxy configuration
/opt/veridiumid/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -c -V -f haproxy.cfg

# Restart the HaProxy service
service ver_haproxy restart

5. Restart services

Run the following commands as root:

# On Webapp nodes
service ver_websecadmin start
service ver_tomcat start
service ver_notifications start
/opt/veridiumid/statistics/bin/ start
service ver_fido start
service ver_selfservice start

# On Datalayer nodes
service ver_data_retention start

6. Renew certificates (optional step)

To renew all certificates (admin, friend, default) follow the steps presented in the following article: Renew certificates

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